Year: 2017

Carol Singing

For the third year running our RAS sub-group and friends turned out carolling at Mill Hill to raise money for some fantastic refugee charities in Leeds!

Leeds Pride


Film Series: Children’s Rights

The rights of children remains an important focus for groups like Amnesty because so often in appalling situations, its children that suffer most whilst being least able to change the situation they find themselves in. This year we have partnered

Kirkstall Festival

We had a great day today up at Kirkstall Festival, running our stall to Send a Smile to prisoners of Conscience around the world.

Leeds Central Hustings – 2017 General Election

Partnering with Open Rights Group Leeds and other civic society groups, we were delighted to help organise a hustings event focused on Human Rights for local parliamentary candidates in Leeds Central, ahead of the 2017 General Election. Sitting MP Hilary
